Medical Advice

Oxycodone vs Fentanyl: Comparing The Efficiency

Oxycodone vs Fentanyl

Living with chronic pain is not good for both physical and emotional health. Many doctors suggest opioid medications like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Vicodin, and much more to relieve you from this discomfort. Today we will understand and learn about two of the most effective opioid medicines in this blog Oxycodone vs Fentanyl. This blog provides you with the right information and differences about these powerful effective medications.

Fentanyl and Oxycodone are administered for the same purpose, and in this article, we will look at the differences between Fentanyl and Oxycodone medication drugs for treating pain.

An Introduction To The Basics Of Oxycodone And Fentanyl:

A medicine that is administered by healthcare professionals for the treatment of moderate or severe pain is Oxycodone. Oxycodone is a generic medication that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is a pharmaceutical drug that belongs to the family of opioids (narcotic analgesics). Oxyfast, Oxaydo, RoxyBand, Roxicodone, etc., are some branded versions of opioid-based Oxycodone medication drugs.

Likewise, healthcare experts can use Fentanyl, which is another common medicine used for the treatment of moderate or severe pain occurring in individuals. It is also a generic variant of the drug that is approved by the FDA. Persons should use this medication drug after a consultation with a healthcare professional.

Comparison Between Oxycodone and Fentanyl Drugs(Oxycodone vs Fentanyl):

Let us compare Oxycodone and Fentanyl drugs on the basis of a few factors.

Uses of Fentanyl and Oxycodone:

Below are the details on the uses of Oxycodone and Fentanyl.


  1. Pain:

Oxycodone is often administered by healthcare experts for treating moderate or severe pain in their patients. According to the medical examinations of individuals, the dosages of this medication drug are given.


  1. Pain:

A medication drug that is used by healthcare experts for treating moderate or severe pain in patients is Fentanyl. It is much more potent than Oxycodone, Morphine, and several other opioid-based medicines.

Dosages of Fentanyl and Oxycodone:


Initially, minimal doses of Oxycodone are given by healthcare experts to patients for treating moderate or severe pain. The dosage strengths of Oxycodone that are available are 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg, etc. Oxycodone is available in the form of oral tablets, solutions, and capsules. These must never be crushed or broken before an oral consumption.

Typically, dosages of this pharmaceutical drug between 5 mg and 15 mg are administered by healthcare experts. Oxycodone must not be used improperly because doing so could even lead to death. The maximum dose of Oxycodone must not reach more than 288 mg. It may be taken with food or as prescribed by a healthcare professional. The maintenance dosage of Oxycodone is adjusted based on the adverse reactions associated with opioids.


Optimal doses of Fentanyl are given to patients who are suffering from pain due to injury, accident, burns, etc. Doctors may assess the health conditions of people prior to administering Fentanyl. This medication drug is available in the form of nasal spray, sublingual tablet, trans-mucosal lozenge, transdermal patch, injection, and sublingual spray.

Dosages in strengths of 50 mcg/mL, 100 mcg, 200 mcg, 400 mcg, 600 mcg, 800 mcg, 1600 mcg etc., are available. The initial dose that is prescribed by the healthcare experts may vary as per the decision made by the healthcare experts. Typically, after three days of the continuous administration of Fentanyl, the dosage is increased. The maintenance dosages of Fentanyl are adjusted based on the adverse reactions related to opioids.

Side Effects of Oxycodone and Fentanyl:

In this section, we will explore the side effects that may occur in individuals after taking dosages of Oxycodone and Fentanyl.


  • Frequent urination
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Sunken eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Increased thirst
  • Stomach pain
  • Sweating
  • Wrinkled skin
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Dark urine
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Gagging
  • Slowed heartbeats
  • Weak pulse
  • Swelling in legs
  • Drowsiness


  • Chest pain
  • Confusion
  • Dry mouth
  • Fainting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Nervousness
  • Cramps
  • Changes in mood
  • Pounding sensations in ears
  • Numbness
  • Rapid breathing
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Seizures
  • Severe constipation
  • Discouragement
  • Weight loss
  • Rashes
  • Sweating

Effectiveness of Oxycodone and Fentanyl:

Oxycodone and Fentanyl may vary because of their effectiveness in humans. Let us explore the effectiveness of these two drugs below.

Oxycodone may take up to an hour to show its effectiveness. The half-life of this medication drug could be around 3 to 4 hours. From individuals to individuals, the duration of effectiveness of Oxycodone may differ. Some people may develop more tolerance to Oxycodone dosages in comparison to others. Different metabolisms also impact the efficacy of the drug.

Fentanyl may start to show its efficacy within an hour. The half-life of Fentanyl could be around 2 to 4 hours. The effectiveness of this medication drug may vary from person to person because of different tolerance levels and metabolisms in them. According to the form of Fentanyl being used, the duration of efficacy of this drug may vary.

Precautions and Safety Measures:

This section will focus on the precautions and safety measures that must be taken during the course of Oxycodone and Fentanyl medication drugs.


If somebody is already being treated with another opioid-based medication drug, he or she must not take Fentanyl. It can be used as an alternative drug if other drugs that are administered to treat pain are not working effectively. An overdosage of this pharmaceutical medicine must be avoided as it could be potent when taken in large amounts.

Those who have a history of severe asthma, head injury, brain tumor, seizures, kidney disease, liver disease, urination problems, gallbladder problems etc., must discuss these health complications with a healthcare professional. Women are not suggested to breastfeed while taking the dosages of this medication drug.


Oxycodone must not be used if someone is already suffering from asthma. Some individuals may have a history of stomach complications and intestinal blockages. These persons must also avoid taking this drug. Alcohol must not be consumed while taking Oxycodone. To females who are pregnant, this medicine could be life-threatening.

Typically, it is advised to be taken with food or as prescribed by a healthcare expert. This medication drug must not be crushed or damaged before oral consumption. During the course of Oxycodone, some individuals may experience slow breathing. They can take naloxone in such a case.


In this article, we have seen that both Oxycodone and Fentanyl are administered by doctors for the treatment of moderate or severe pain in individuals. These medication drugs should not be taken without the guidance of a doctor as both could be potent. Individuals must not take an overdose of Oxycodone and Fentanyl.

The potency of Oxycodone is much more than that of Fentanyl. Hence, its effectiveness could get severe as time passes by. Doctors typically examine the medical conditions of patients before administering these drugs. Hence, Fentanyl and Oxycodone must not be taken on your own.

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