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Adcirca vs Cialis: Is There a Difference?

Adcirca vs Cialis

The most common disease among Americans is pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH) which leads to an increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath, chest pressure, or pain. Pulmonary Hypertension also leads to Erectile dysfunction in men and affects the quality of life of hypertensive patients and their sexual partners. To treat them there are two medications i.e. Adcirca and Cialis. Both have the same ingredient called tadalafil. However, they are somewhat different in many aspects. This blog will focus on the Adcirca vs Cialis comparison.  

Introduction to Adcirca and Cialis

Adcirca is a medication drug that is a branded version of tadalafil. Doctors administer this medicine to patients who are having PAH. Adcirca belongs to the group of pulmonary hypertension agents. It comforts the blood vessels and boosts blood pressure in certain body parts.

Cialis is another branded drug variant of tadalafil. Even though Cialis also has tadalafil as its active component, it can be used to treat some other disorders apart from PAH in people. we will be comparing Adcirca and Cialis below for a better understanding, Let us get started.

Comparison: Adcirca VS Cialis

We will now compare Adcirca and Cialis based on some aspects in this section.


Adcirca medication drug that doctors often use to treat PAH in patients. The capability to do exercise is improved after taking the dosages of this pharmaceutical medicine. The circulatory system is involved in different types of workouts. PAH limits the ability to do moderate or intense workouts by giving rise to a number of distressing symptoms. Tadalafil Adcirca relaxes blood vessels and helps treat the adverse health conditions caused due to PAH.

Quite often, this drug is also used to manage high blood pressure or hypertension. This health condition may be related to pregnancy, smoking, anxiety, diabetes, high salt intake, obesity, age, kidney disease, lifestyle, etc. Healthcare experts could choose to give Adcirca tablets or its alternatives to patients with high blood pressure.

Many individuals suffer from ED. They fail to keep a healthy erection. For many, it could be a prolonged issue. Cialis pill is treating for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) besides PAH in individuals. This pharmaceutical drug has been studied well by medical researchers for treating ED. Doctors give optimal doses of Cialis to their patients.

An enlarged prostate can be treated with the help of Cialis. The prostate is a reproduction part in males. It can get large due to some internal health conditions or disorders. This sexual issue is becoming common in men these days. However, they can visit a urologist to receive the treatment. Urologists may use Cialis or another alternative medicine in order to treat this sexual problem.


The functionalities of Cialis and Adcirca differ. Cialis can treat different disorders while being a medicine that could be administered for treating PAH. It has been researched that Cialis tadalafil relaxes the blood vessels that are located in the penis. Men start recovering from the symptoms of ED when they receive an adequate amount of blood in that part of their body. This medicine relaxes bladder muscles in persons who have enlarged prostate.

Adcirca primarily works on the pulmonary artery muscles and relaxes them to improve the flow of blood. It is a safe medicine that can be used by healthcare experts for the treatment of this medical condition. As per some reports, this drug has the potential to minimize blood pressure. Hence, hypertension can be managed with the help of this pharmaceutical medicine.

Adcirca is not prescribed to be taken by someone who is orally taking organic nitrates in any form. Both Cialis and Adcirca must not be taken together. However, if the healthcare expert has advised to do so, persons can take them.


The efficacy of these medicines varies. Adcirca tablets may start to work within a duration between half an hour and one hour. This indicates that Adcirca remains in the human body for a long time. Doctors give nominal dosages of this medicine, and after its administration, people feel more relaxed while exercising.

Cialis could work more quickly than Adcirca because it may start to show its effectiveness after 30 minutes. The effect of the Cialis tablet may stay up to 36 hours in the human body. Because of this reason, some sources call it a weekend pill. Both Adcirca and Cialis must be taken after a medical consultation. Otherwise, side effects may get serious in individuals.

Health Complications

In this section, we will explore the different health complications that may occur after taking Cialis and Adcirca orally.

Adcirca Side Effects

Some side effects that may be caused after taking Adcirca are headache, muscular pain, abdominal pain, backache, common cold, dizziness, back pain, etc. If people are suffering from these adverse medical conditions after consuming this medicine, they must immediately report to the doctor. The long-term effects have not been studied for the drug. However, they may persist.

Cialis Side Effects

The health complications that may occur after orally consuming Cialis tablets are blurred vision, cold sweats, confusion, chills, dizziness, nausea, nervousness, slowed heartbeats, etc. These side effects may get severe in persons as time passes by. They must be reported to the concerned healthcare professional. Cialis is not generally administered for the long-term treatment of the patients.


In this blog, we have explored the Adcirca vs Cialis comparison. The generic variant of these medication drugs is tadalafil. Cialis is primarily recommended by healthcare professionals to patients who are suffering from ED and enlarged prostate. However, Adcirca is administered for treating PAH in patients. These two medicines are commonly not suggested to be combined.

Adcirca and Cialis may differ regarding some side effects because they work on different parts of the body. Cialis generally treats prostate muscles and blood vessels in the penis. Adcirca primarily relaxes the blood vessels located in pulmonary arteries. Both these medicines are safe to use. Still, they must be taken under the guidance of the concerned healthcare professionals.

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