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Pelvic Girdle Pain Pregnancy: Best Exercises For Relief

Pelvic Girdle Pain Pregnancy

During pregnancy, pelvic girdle pain is very common in women. However, being common does not mean you should ignore this condition. It affects the daily life of a woman and also affects their emotions. You should take the help of a doctor or physiotherapist for this condition during your pregnancy. In this article, you will learn about the best exercises for pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy. With the help of PGP pregnancy exercises, you will feel relief and it will make it easy to deal with pelvic pain.

What Is Pelvic Girdle Pain?

At the base of your spinal cord, joints of bones are available. This is known as the pelvic girdle. During pregnancy due to increasing the weight of the baby, pressure on this area increases, and due to this increased pressure, you may experience pain in this area. You may experience pelvic girdle pain during the early days of pregnancy but it will be at its peak during the mid time. Some women may also experience pelvic girdle pain after delivery. 

Causes Of Pelvic Girdle Pain Pregnancy:-

A woman may feel pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy and it may be severe and unbearable sometimes. There are so many reasons behind pelvic pain, as we know the body of a woman goes through lots of changes during pregnancy, which may be emotional changes or physical changes. The facts mentioned below can be the cause that you are experiencing pelvic girdle pain during your pregnancy.

  • Back pain:- if you have ever dealt with back pain in the past then the chances of experiencing pelvic girdle pain are high for you. To relieve this pain, you can use Tramadol for back pain when cleared by your doctor.
  • Previous injury in the pelvic area:– Due to the last injury your ligaments and muscles become weak in the pelvic area and during pregnancy the pressure on this area increases so previous injuries may enhance the chance of pelvic girdle pain.
  • Stress:-  In general whenever the body feels stressed it releases cortisol to combat this situation, and during pregnancy when you have stress, the body releases cortisol which creates tension in the muscles in the pelvic area and you may experience pain.
  • Increasing the weight of the baby: Your posture will change with the baby’s increasing weight. The increasing weight of a baby exerts pressure on your pelvic area and due to this your pelvic muscles get affected and cause pain.
  • Hormones:- During pregnancy, the body releases hormones that relax the joints of the pelvic area which helps in childbirth. Hormones like relaxin are the cause behind the softening of joints that may cause pelvic girdle pain when pressures increase on this area.

Exercises For Pelvic Girdle Pain Pregnancy:-

Pregnancy is a very challenging phase for every woman and the conditions with pregnancy like pelvic pain make it more challenging. You should get the help of a healthcare provider to tackle this condition. With the help of medication and exercise, you may cope with this condition. Following are the exercises for pelvic girdle pain that will help you with this condition during your pregnancy.

  • Swimming helps to regulate the body weight during pregnancy as water has a buoyancy force and in water, you will feel relaxed. Being in the water helps with the pressure management on your pelvic joints and you may experience reduced pain. But you should be careful with swimming if you are going in open water (river or sea) then must gather information about the pollution levels in that water. 
  • Bridge pose strengthens the glutes that provide support to your pelvic muscles and reduces pelvic pain.
  • Squats will help you with the delivery, they prepare the body by providing strength to the muscles and it also makes the pelvic muscles strong which will help you to deal with the pelvic girdle pain.
  • Deep breathing helps to strengthen the core muscles and that will help you to manage the growing weight of the baby that creates extra pressure on pelvic muscles. 
  • Yoga has many advantages during pregnancy and it also helps in dealing with pelvic girdle pain. It provides stability to the pelvis by strengthening your core muscles. Yoga like Chaturanga, Balasna (Child’s pose), and Tadasana will help you with this condition. 
  • Body stretches particularly help with pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy by releasing tension and strengthening your muscles.

Acupuncture For Pelvic Girdle Pain Pregnancy:-

According to studies, acupuncture helps to deal with lower back pain and it may be used with exercise and medication. It is the method of inserting thin needles at certain points in the body. It also helps with the other symptoms of pregnancy. You should be careful with this process and always go with the licensed acupuncturist. Because there are several points in a pregnant woman’s body which should be avoided, only a trained acupuncturist can perform this process efficiently.     


Pelvic girdle pain otherwise known as symphysis pubis dysfunction is a difficult condition during pregnancy. This disrupts the day-to-day activity but you can deal with this condition with the help of medication and exercises. Exercises for PGP are available that will strengthen the muscles and make it easy to carry the increasing weight of the baby. 

FAQs):- Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to have Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy is very common and it affects one in every five women during pregnancy. However, its severity may differ for everyone because pregnancy is not the same for every woman. 

When Does Pelvic Girdle Pain Start In Pregnancy?

Generally, it may occur at any time during pregnancy but especially you may experience pelvic girdle pain from the 12th week of pregnancy to the 18th week. It will be at its peak during the 24th to 36th week.

What Does Pelvic Girdle Pain Feel Like In Pregnancy?

During pregnancy you may experience a light pain, sharp pain, or a grinding sensation in the pelvic area, often radiating to the lower back, hips, and upper thighs, it is known as pelvic girdle pain.

How to Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

There are many methods by which you may control your pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy. These are changing your positions again and again because being in the same position for a longer duration may hurt you, sitting on a birthing ball may help you deal with pelvic girdle pain as it engages core muscles, keeping your knees together while getting up from a chair or sitting in a car, avoiding to lift heavy objects during pregnancy, etc.

Is Walking Good For Pelvic Girdle Pain?

Yes, walking is good for pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy but you should notice your posture and you should also wear comfortable shoes.

How To Massage For Pelvic Girdle Pain?

You can massage with a spiky ball or massage the pelvic area with your fingers, this will help to release strain from the muscles and you may feel relaxed.

Do Squats Help Pelvic Floor?

Yes, squats help to strengthen the muscles around your pelvic area and activate the deep core muscles. 

What Positions Should I Avoid With Pelvic Girdle Pain?

You should avoid being in positions that exert more pressure on your pelvic area, and strictly avoid being in a single position for a longer duration. 

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